THE LESSON – TRAGODIA THEATRE – MOGORO – SATURDAY OCTOBER,6 AT 9:00 PM Reviewed by admin on . The play is set in the dining room, also used as a small studio apartment in France. The professor is waiting for a new pupil, to issue to the lessons of mathem The play is set in the dining room, also used as a small studio apartment in France. The professor is waiting for a new pupil, to issue to the lessons of mathem Rating:


The play is set in the dining room, also used as a small studio apartment in France. The professor is waiting for a new pupil, to issue to the lessons of mathematics, linguistics and comparative philology in order to get the full professorship. The housekeeper, a stout woman between the ages of 40 and 50 years, is concerned about the health of the teacher and follows the course of lessons. As the lesson progresses, full of absurd and non-sense, the professor is increasing a sense of anger against ignorance pupil, who unlike him becomes more quiet and gentle ……..

“Experiment theater abstract or concrete on the contrary … because it is only what you see on the stage, because the stage is born, it is game, word game, game scenes, images, materialization of symbols. Must be able to liberate the dramatic tension without the help of any intrigue of any particular object.
It will arrive to reveal something monstrous which also appears necessary because the theater is essentially revelation of monstrous things, or monstrous conditions without images or images that we carry within us. “
E. Ionesco

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