THE ZECCA OF CAGLIARI: SHIELDS AND CAGLIARESI – VICEREGAL PALACE – 15 TO 31 JULY Reviewed by admin on . The cultural association Hermaea Archaeology and Art presents "The Mint of Cagliari and cagliaresi shields". A blast from the past, a journey to discover some v The cultural association Hermaea Archaeology and Art presents "The Mint of Cagliari and cagliaresi shields". A blast from the past, a journey to discover some v Rating:


The cultural association Hermaea Archaeology and Art presents “The Mint of Cagliari and cagliaresi shields”. A blast from the past, a journey to discover some valuable ancient coins that have written the history of the capital of Sardinia: Cagliari those jokes from the Mint. Valuable as the material that composes the gold and silver for the priceless artistic and archaeological heritage they embody.
Hermaea organizes an exhibition bringing together a number of important private collections of Sardinian coins minted by the Mint of Cagliari. Viceregal Palace will be open to 15 to 31 July 2012 from Monday to Friday from 8:00 to 20:00 and Saturday and Sunday from 9:00 to 18:00. Nothing is more attractive in a home that retains endless appeals and the historical origins of the same coin.
The Mint of Cagliari was established August 27, 1327, and made active in 1338 with Peter IV of Aragon, who ordered the minting of the first gold coin Sardinian-aragonese. The same King who a year earlier, in 1337, had made the current residence of the Viceroy Viceroy’s Palace. The reports were not good between Peter IV and the Judge of Arborea hindered the effective activation of the Mint, which was made possible only in 1366. The first brand named “Alfonsini minutes” were beaten Oct. 15, 1392 by Michael Mastro brand Roure who coined coins ordered in 1000 by John I.
During the reign of Alfonso V (1416-1458) circulated regularly “real money”, the “stalks”, the “real silver” and “Alfonsini minutes.” It was in 1545 that Charles V was defeated with the “golden shield” that brought the famous inscription “Civitas Calaritana”. It was 1720 when, under the Savoy, all the coins were minted in Turin. But this measure lasted only a short decades, until 1793 when the Mint recovered its ancient tradition. Several years later, in 1813, the Mint of the Kingdom of Sardinia ended with the coining of “Three cagliaresi”.
The Cultural Association Hermaea Archaeology and Art, founded in 2004, follows the trend for years of collecting, this exhibition aims to bring the visitor to numismatics and make him aware of the historical and economic value of rare collections such as those exposed.
Initiative, a path, where art, culture, tradition and ancient merge in the historic setting of the Viceregal Palace.

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