OPENING MAN ORISTANO’S – SOLARUSSA – THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 13 Reviewed by admin on . With the opening of the MAN of Oristano, set for 16.00 on September 13, 2012 in Solarussa, consolidates the vocation to the contemporary culture, which already With the opening of the MAN of Oristano, set for 16.00 on September 13, 2012 in Solarussa, consolidates the vocation to the contemporary culture, which already Rating:


With the opening of the MAN of Oristano, set for 16.00 on September 13, 2012 in Solarussa, consolidates the vocation to the contemporary culture, which already connoted the activity of some reality exhibition of the Province, representing, therefore, the natural evolution planning.
The opening of the MAN is in fact, one of the many cultural activities that the Province, through the continued commitment and determination of the artistic realities in the area, has proposed
in recent years, and that led to earn Oristano, despite its small size and lack of funding, a strong intellectual interior of Sardinia.
The active support of the artists who move with the same force and decision in other parts of the island, gave the final push to create a reality that will porgersi independent, mobile and especially “open” to the transversality exhibition.



September 13, 2012 17:30

Project Space

In the relativity of knowledge no one can believe that they have the certain truth and then we are all bearers of knowledge debatable.

I have an opinion?

When in January 1898, sull’Aurore was published the open letter the writer Emile Zola against the scandalous trial of Dreyfus, in the name of higher values of justice and truth, there were many academics, but also architects, lawyers, doctors, artists, writers and musicians who made their voices heard by writing the famous protestations (published in the newspaper for 15 days in a row), showing the emergence of a powerful new force, born of a sense of responsibility to understand more, to support with an idea-divided, to defend beyond partisanship and self-interest.
These men were defined, for the first time by George Clemanceau, under the title of “intellectuals” expectation and hope was that with the commitment of these men delineasse a force independent of the camps established, neutral and in the service of society.
Things do not always go that way, and intellectuals in the service of regimes, or greedy whores just fame and money, have existed and still exist.
There is no denying, however, that between the intellectual narcissus, disconnected from social reality, committed only to make a fine show, and the ever-present organic intellectual, ideological bent restrictive and manipulative, co-exist, but in an effort to irrefutable, the intellectual character of his thought, increasingly rare animal that does not accept limits on his freedom of thinker, and that claims complete autonomy of his opinions from any dogma or doctrine closed.
But these people who sometimes are also called artists (or so they should be called in virtue of their being able to participate in and influence the climate and the way you feel common), by definition reluctant to morality and to any form of censorship, free to tell, with his art, the contemporary fact of good and evil, of the political, ethical and social issues, conflicts and emotions, still exist?
And what could be their “sense” in a time when you define “artist” anyone, including tronista, pornographic actors and showgirls?
Far from wanting to do moralism, in full respect of all human choice or artistic and conscious that between having an opinion and provide an absolutely valid truth there is a difference, the only thing that is certain is that perhaps (and perhaps in good faith) many individuals have fallen into the role of “artist” with much conviction and little doubt, setting a cut above the others.
The art should, however, put a step lower, not higher.
From the fact, we see blurred, while in order to perceive the world and continue to talk about how artists should be in the world, and often torment.
As children, we learned to regard the artist as one who most deserves all honor and success, and this will be true until, at this MAN, honor and success will be indifferent.

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