ACTIVITIES CALENDAR CIVIC MUSEUMS CAGLIARI- OCTOBER 2012 TO APRIL 2013 Reviewed by admin on . Open to the contemporary public art space, compared with the landscape and cultural diversification. The City Museum of Cagliari amaze with the art. Municipal A Open to the contemporary public art space, compared with the landscape and cultural diversification. The City Museum of Cagliari amaze with the art. Municipal A Rating:


Open to the contemporary public art space, compared with the landscape and cultural diversification. The City Museum of Cagliari amaze with the art. Municipal Art Gallery, Old Town Hall and Museum of Art Siamese will be the center of a rich and important program that will liven up the community centers autumn winter 2012 to spring 2013 with exhibitions, public art, conferences and the inevitable “Breakfast at art”, a calendar of events that can boast of working with important museums in Italy.

A season that opens in the sign of the Sleepers by Mimmo Paladino. But not only. The City Museum come from the exhibition halls and the walls of the old town and moved into the urban fabric and affect the city expanded giving rise to the macro project “Possible Worlds – re-inventing the city” which in November will involve the local community of Sant ‘ Elijah in a public art project that aims to enhance the neighborhood and its surroundings inaugurating a program of artistic residencies sponsored by the Administration.

All’Antico Town Hall presents the second group of works acquired in the 90s by the Municipal Art Gallery and Thursday, Dec. 13 opening of the exhibition of contemporary art “Piranesi found. Signs of the urban landscape. ” The exhibition is embedded within the larger project of Piranesi involving the Faculty of Architecture of the University of Cagliari, the Cultural Center The Ghetto, the Foundation House Falconieri and the Museo de Bellas Artes in Bilbao, in the direction of a Municipal Gallery you put in a network with other institutions and organizations of the territory in a system integrated museum.


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