START THE SCHOOL SOCCER FOOTBALL MEDITERRANEAN 5 – THURSDAY SEPTEMBER 6 Reviewed by admin on . Born of the Mediterranean School Football Football 5. The company Cagliari, one of the oldest delpanorama calcettistico Sardinian organizes courses for categori Born of the Mediterranean School Football Football 5. The company Cagliari, one of the oldest delpanorama calcettistico Sardinian organizes courses for categori Rating:


Born of the Mediterranean School Football Football 5. The company Cagliari, one of the oldest delpanorama calcettistico Sardinian organizes courses for categories Little friends (boys and girls born in 07.06.2005), Chicks (04/03/2002) and Beginners (2000/1).

Classes will be held at the artificial turf of the New College of the Mission, in the central Via Bosa to Cagliari (above Piazza Garibaldi).

The initiative is aimed primarily at parents who want their children play football in senzascivolare anti-educational attitudes that too often in Italy are associated with the “world delpallone.” “According to us,” says Corrado Melis, President of the Mediterranean, “you can play calciosenza insult or attack anyone, or without having attitudes that would not be giustificabilifuori from the field. You can help referees accept with serenity the adverse decisions, learning the aprendersi responsibility for the outcome (good or bad) and not make plays to defeat. thing that usually does not happen, is that all this is in contrast with the result: on the contrary, it helps araggiungerlo. This will be the spirit of our Soccer School. Which, “says Melis,” is particolarmentecomoda for all the families who live in the center and that may accompany walking their children. “

According to a view widely accepted belief advocated by the same FIGC, and reinforced by the example of Barcelona edella Spain, football 5 is considered as a discipline preparatory to the teaching of soccer, which favors the teaching of the art in small spaces (and therefore suitable for children) in spite of specialization in roles, which will instead developed by 12/13 years and over (when the boy if potràscegliere engage in football or continue with calcium to 5).

The Mediterranean has won championships in Serie C2 and the students (under 16) last season, finishing second in the Cup Discipline.

The Soccer School will be presented to all concerned parents Thursday, September 6 at 19.00 at the New College of the Mission, in Bosa.

For more information: Corrado Melis 347 6305406 –

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