MUSIC CONCERTS REPRODUCED – CAGLIARI – THURSDAY AUGUST 30 Reviewed by admin on . Last meeting of August-One seat: € 6 - 4 inputs each 5th tribute August 30 21.00 - Glenn Gould - JS Bach - BWV Touch 911, 915,916,914 The Concert for Music Repr Last meeting of August-One seat: € 6 - 4 inputs each 5th tribute August 30 21.00 - Glenn Gould - JS Bach - BWV Touch 911, 915,916,914 The Concert for Music Repr Rating:


Last meeting of August-One seat: € 6 – 4 inputs each 5th tribute

August 30 21.00 – Glenn Gould – JS Bach – BWV Touch 911, 915,916,914

The Concert for Music Reproduced

Listening to music as a form of meditation

These evenings are designed to be a perception experiment for all of us, but at the same time
is the ideal basis
anus is also an invitation to the recovery of a listening mode by more or forgotten for many
even unknown.
The first experiment concerns the means of spreading sound: the high-fidelity system,
and the way that has been developed in order to obtain a non-trivial sound environment, but
a credible and lifelike multi-dimensional reconstruction of the musical, which was at that
at the same time of the original performance.
Such a result sound, offering the highest emotional involvement, effective and makes it possible to
awakening of inner creativity that so often falls asleep in the clamor imposed by the rhythms of
common everyday life.
With the aid of a playback system able to lead the listener to a context
emotional ensure the most coherent with respect to that intended by the interpreter or, in the form of listening more
deep, the same principle of the composer, it becomes more easily accessible that
inner world from which the music itself seems to originate.
In this way we will have rejoined us in the very source of Music (the spiritual world)
the apparently separate its outward manifestation: a hands on impact socio-cultural aesthetics.
Integration, during the direct perception of listening, of all consciences on, the
intellectual, the physical, the emotional and perceptual, produces a moment of profound
meditation and contact with themselves, making it possible to activate a channel of communication between
the spiritual world and the material manifestation of the seemingly distant.
The music might not even be so important for humanity, if it did not represent a
sort of spiritual nourishment and a unique gateway to states of consciousness extremely
valuable for the balance of the man himself.
Such a listening mode can easily be defined as an act of meditation.
The intent of these evenings is precisely to practice hearing music in order to realize the
spiritual potential and is therefore a natural consequence that the proposals should deal with authors whose
compositions can to better convey the profound vision of life that was inspiring source
of the compositions themselves.

For info:
Tel 070485693 Mobile. 3347024521
Via T.Tasso 23 / to Cagliari

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